Delicious Irony

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Are you also savouring the delicious irony of these times? We must isolate in order to gather; the longer we stay apart the quicker we can be together.

These ubiquitous masks cover our mouths. Are they a reminder to speak less, but to watch and listen more? I for one realise I have a bad case of hot air and nonsense, and needed a literal mask to gag and force me to listen without judgement.

In our ever failing bid for work-life balance, work and life spheres are now conflated to one limited space. Without social engagements and travel, family focus has been forced to the forefront. Force may have a negative connotation, and sounds thornier than it’s meant to be, but a gentle easing process this is not. The balancing act is still a delicate one, but the noise has disappeared. The irony is I always knew Family First. It took a virus to compel me.

And as we lived our excessively cosmopolitan lifestyles, you must have harboured the same uneasy angst as me. A still small voice admonished me to simplify and streamline. But if not for Covid19, when would I have done this? It appears our gluttonous appetites are now on a crash diet.

Christina Paul

Brand Therapist & Web Designer for Coaches & Therapists

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